Introducing our first issue!

We will update you on the programs we offer, share tips for getting the most from ND Medicaid, seasonal reminders for staying healthy, and more as North Dakota aims to be the healthiest state in the nation.
This month's issue is full of ways to stay healthy this season!

Medicaid Member Webpage
We want our ND Medicaid members to have useful tools and information about their health care coverage! We made a webpage just for you.
You can visit this webpage to learn more about the Medicaid Member Engagement Committee (MMEC), review the Medicaid member handbook, learn about our member liaison and more!
Don't forget about your oral health

Did you know ND Medicaid covers dental care for children and adults?
Taking care of your teeth and gums are important for your health.
Some medical conditions and medications can put you at risk for oral health problems like gum disease.
Some covered dental services include:
- 2 cleanings per year
- 2 exams per year
- X-Rays
- Fluoride varnish
- Sealants (children only)
- Braces (children only)
- Fillings
- Cleanings
- Tooth removal
- Anesthesia
- Dentures (partial and full)
Coverage starts over for each person every January 1. Don't forget to schedule your regular dental checkups and cleanings!
Keep your kids on track
Health Tracks is a ND Medicaid benefit that helps your child get checkups, screenings and other preventive health care.
Children should get regular exams, even when they are feeling well! Babies and toddlers grow fast, so they need a provider to check on their health often.
Babies need exams at:
- 1 month
- 2 months
- 4 months
- 6 months
- 9 months
- 12 months
Toddlers need exams at:
- 15 months
- 18 months
- 24 months
- 30 months
- 36 months/3 years
After three years old, children need to see their provider every year until they turn 21. This makes sure that they continue to grow and stay healthy!
Your child may be able to get more exams covered based on their needs.
Protect your kids from serious illness with vaccines 
Vaccines are the safe and effective way to protect your kids and others from many serious and potentially deadly diseases. Thanks to the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program, vaccines are available at no/low cost to eligible children through participating health care providers (an administration fee may apply).
Children ages 18 and under who are on Medicaid are eligible for vaccines under the VFC program.
Ask your child’s health care provider or local public health unit about vaccines.
Access to naloxone helps save lives
Anyone taking prescription or illegal opioids is at risk for overdose.
To help save lives, ND Medicaid members can now go directly to a pharmacy to receive non-prescription naloxone at no cost.
Naloxone is a medication used to block or reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.
What is changing for members?
You no longer have to get a prescription from your medical provider to get naloxone. You just go to a pharmacy to get it.
How can I get naloxone at no cost?
ND Medicaid members should go to a pharmacy and talk with a pharmacist. Bring your Medicaid ID card with you. The pharmacy will bill ND Medicaid for the naloxone.
How can I tell if someone might be overdosing?
- A person is unresponsive and/or their heartbeat or breathing is slow or has stopped.
- Their body is limp and fingernails or lips have a blue tinge.
- They are vomiting or making gurgling noises.
If you see these signs and symptoms in someone, call 911 right away and administer naloxone if available.
North Dakota’s Good Samaritan Law protects anyone who administers naloxone to reverse an opioid overdose and calls 911.
Where can I find help for myself or someone I know?
There are several treatment options available. To find a treatment provider, visit
Find other helpful resources online at

Free influenza and COVID-19 Home Tests and Treatment Program
The National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded Home Test to Treat Program is offering free testing and care for both COVID-19 and influenza (flu) A and B.
This program is offered to adults (18 years and older) that are uninsured or are enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid, the Veterans Affairs health care system or Indian Health Service.
How does the program work?
- If you are COVID-19 or flu positive, you will receive free telehealth visits. If the telehealth provider prescribes you treatment, the treatment will be sent to your home or pharmacy. Dispensing fees for prescriptions may apply.
- If you are not currently positive for COVID-19 or flu and want at-home tests that can be used for both, they can be shipped to you for free.
For more information about the program and online signup, call 1-800-682-2829.
E-Newsletter Survey
We want to know what you want to know!
Take this short, six-question survey to tell us what areas of ND Medicaid you want to hear more about!