
To request a free 2-dose Narcan kit, please click the button below or                 
call a behavioral health team member at 701-328-8920.

Request Narcan



Every aspect of the opioid crisis requires great care. From understanding the risks and benefits of pain medications to knowing the signs of addiction, to recognizing an overdose and knowing how to help - there are ways all of us can care for each other and ourselves. 

Fill your understanding of opioids with care, and together we'll protect North Dakota.


Prescription opioid safety

Opioids are not good or bad in and of themselves. They’re an effective pain relief tool that comes with benefits, but also significant risks.

Use prescriptions wisely

Prevent overdose

Anyone taking prescription or illegal opioids is at risk for overdose. Learn the signs and how to effectively respond to an overdose here.

Protect from overdose

Understanding addiction

Opioid misuse and addiction can impact anyone—from young injured athletes to older adults with chronic pain.

Learn how addiction happens


North Dakota Opioid Settlement and Opioid Settlement Advisory Committee

Learn More Here


Training Video

Watch for step-by step-instructions on how to use and when to administer NARCAN® Nasal Spray.

Watch Training Video


Find treatment

There is hope for recovery. North Dakota has a network of treatment, recovery and support resources.

North Dakota treatment options

Community resources

Find resources, tools and strategies to implement in your community to prevent opioid misuse, addiction and overdose.

Find community resources

Report a Save

If you have recently used Narcan, please complete the following form. This information will remain confidential.

Report a Save