About the NDIIS

About the NDIIS

The North Dakota Immunization Information System (NDIIS) is a confidential, population-based information system that collects and consolidates immunization data for North Dakotan residents. Your local public health unit, primary healthcare provider, or pharmacy can also access the NDIIS and provide you with an immunization record. Children are entered into the NDIIS at birth through a linkage with electronic birth records. An NDIIS immunization record can also be initiated by an immunization provider at the time of vaccination. The NDIIS includes vaccination records for residents of all ages, however it was not created until 1996 so adults may not have their childhood immunizations in the NDIIS. Most North Dakota children and adults will have at least a partial immunization record in the NDIIS.

How to Access Immunization Records


Current and former North Dakota residents can view their own immunization record and records for their children, if under the age of 18, through MyIR Mobile. MyIR is a secure online application that provides direct access to your immunization record. It takes just a few minutes to create an account and access your immunization record from the NDIIS. A paper copy of the immunization record can be printed from MyIR, however this is not considered an Official Certificate of Immunization and cannot be submitted to a North Dakota school as proof of vaccination. An Official Certificate of Immunization can obtained by contacting your healthcare provider or local public health unit, or by following the process outlined below.

To submit a request for your Official Certificate of Immunization for the state of North Dakota, download and complete the form below in its entirety. The form and required supporting documentation must be mailed or emailed to the North Dakota Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Immunization Unit in order for the request to be processed. Contact the Immunization Unit at 701.328.3386 or 800.472.2180 if you have questions.

How to Access Immunization Records

Electronic Notifications (Optional)


The North Dakota Department of Health & Human Services (NDHHS) uses the state-wide immunization information system (NDIIS) to notify residents when they are coming due or are past due for immunizations. Consent to be contacted via text or email is required in order to receive electronic immunization reminders. If you would like to opt-in to receive immunization reminders via text or email, please complete the form below and return to the NDHHS Immunization Unit. Parents and guardians may consent for their minor children. Anyone 18 years of age or older must complete their own consent.

Electronic Notifications (Optional)
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