What it is: EVV systems electronically verify, by a phone or computer-based system, that personal care, home health and other home and community-based services are being provided. The system is also required to document the actual time a provider begins and ends a service. Passed by Congress in 2016, the federal law impacts Medicaid and long-term services and supports. More information is online at www.congress.gov/114/bills/hr34/BILLS-114hr34enr.pdf
What it impacts: It impacts North Dakota's Aging Services, Developmental Disabilities Services and Medical Services systems.
When? Starts January 1, 2021
Project Updates
- New Webinar Recording: Service Authorizations & Professional Billing in Therap for QSPs Providing Services Not Subject to EVV (Posted Nov. 18, 2020)
- Webinar Recording: ND Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for Aging Services Qualified Service Providers (QSP)
- Website: Therap Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) in North Dakota
- Electronic Visit Verification System FAQs (Updated August 26, 2024)
- Presentation: Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) System Public Input Meetings 2019 (October 2019)
- Presentation: Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) System Public Input Meetings 2018 (Spring 2018)
Provider Information
IMPORTANT: Providers will need to register for a National Provider Identifier (NPI) number and must provide that number to the North Dakota Department of Human Services to assure claims can be paid for dates of service beginning Jan. 1, 2021.
- Register for an NPI (National Provider Identifier)
- Not sure if you already have one? Search here.
- Notify the department of your NPI number by submitting your QSP number and NPI number to dhshcbs@nd.gov.
For information about North Dakota's electronic visit verification system project, contact Tashawnna White at tjwhite@nd.gov or (701) 239-7251, 711 (TTY).
For technical assistance with Therap, please contact Therap at ndsupport@therapservices.net.
To inquire on your EVV billing, contact the Automated Payment Line at 1 (866) 768-2435. For any other billing inquiries, contact the Medicaid Call Center at 1-(877) 328-7098, and enter 0 if prompted for a pin.