The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is a national system of surveys used to monitor behaviors in school-aged children that can lead to poor health outcomes. North Dakota has conducted the YRBS in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) since 1995. On odd-numbered years, ND students in grades 7-8 and 9-12 are administered a voluntary, anonymous survey questionnaire. Schools, teachers, public health professionals, community leaders, and policymakers in North Dakota use YRBS data for decision making, evaluation, and planning.
To learn more about the ND YRBS or to request information, contact program staff at yrbsnd@nd.gov
Frequently Asked Questions
Participation in the YRBS brings students’ experiences to light so that parents, districts, schools, health professionals, and policymakers can provide resources for any challenges students may face.
Yes. The YRBS is a voluntary survey. Students can opt to skip any individual question or the survey.
Yes. Identifying information is not collected on the survey and all efforts are taken to prevent individuals from being identified in small geographical areas or schools.
Questions regarding sexual intercourse and drug/alcohol use may be considered sensitive. The inclusion of these questions is essential to inform ways of addressing public health problems such as sexually transmitted disease, suicide ideation, and adverse mental health outcomes.
YRBS data is used in North Dakota to monitor priority health risk behaviors among middle and high school students, evaluate the impact of efforts to prevent risk behaviors, and improve school health policies and programs.
CDC develops a core questionnaire to allow for data to be combined across states. The questionnaire is modified with the addition or removal of questions as decided upon by stakeholders in North Dakota.
ND YRBS data files for custom analysis can be requested by emailing yrbsnd@nd.gov. Upon completion of a data use agreement, data files will be shared within a reasonable timeframe. Alternatively, ND YRBS staff will conduct requested data analysis emailed to yrbsnd@nd.gov.