
Medicaid is a state and federally funded program that helps pay for healthcare services for qualifying low-income adults, children, pregnant women, older adults and people with disabilities. 

Qualifying and Applying

Find out if you might qualify for ND Medicaid by learning more about what groups of people we cover, eligibility requirements, and income/asset levels as applicable. You can apply online or by using a paper application. 


Am I Eligible?

Click here

Apply Now

Click here


Member and Provider Portals

Our Provider and Member portals contain what you need to know about ND Medicaid.



Click here


Click here


Who are Medicaid members?

Medicaid members are our friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. Learn more about some Medicaid members and Medicaid's impact on their lives by visiting the Faces of Medicaid page.

Faces of Medicaid

Click here


How Does Medicaid work?

State Plan

Federal Medicaid law sets rules for all state Medicaid programs. These rules require state Medicaid programs to cover certain groups of people and services. It leaves some services as optional. Each state decides the nature and scope of its program through a Medicaid state plan. This plan must be approved by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Plans can be amended by submitted a state plan amendment to CMS for approval. ND Medicaid provides public notice each time this is done.

Suggest changes to ND Medicaid coverage by filling out the SFN 905 form. Please answer all applicable questions. Include as much detail as possible. Submit completed forms along with any additional supporting documentation to


Approved ND State Plan Amendments

Click here

SFN 905

Click here

ND Medicaid Notices & Publications

Click here


Medicaid Advisory Committee

Each state must have a Medicaid Advisory Committee. ND Medicaid's committee is called the Medicaid Medical Advisory Committee (MMAC). This committee is made up of members, providers, advocates, legislators, health care associations, and others with relevant Medicaid experience. The committee meets on a regular basis to review, discuss, and recommend changes to ND Medicaid's policy, state plan, and waivers.

ND Medicaid Medical Advisory Committee

Click here


Primary Care Case Management Program

This program helps ensure that Medicaid members have a regular health care provider who helps coordinate their care. This program ended on Dec. 31, 2023.

Visit: Primary Care Case Management Program


ND Medicaid FAQs

Click here

Report Suspected Medicaid Fraud

Email us


Medicaid Contacts

Medical Services Division
North Dakota Health and Human Services
600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 325
Bismarck, ND 58505-0250

Phone: (701) 328-7068
Toll-Free: (800) 755-2604
Fax: (701) 328-1544
711 (TTY)