
To help understand Community Connect, we have compiled a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers.



Community Connect providers can be private providers as well as non-traditional providers like faith-based or cultural-specific groups. If you are interested in becoming a provider please view the provide agreement.

Care coordination — includes helping participants access recovery resources based on their individual needs and creatively problem solve challenges to help participants access such resources.

Recovery services — included helping participants access nourishment assistance programs, supportive housing, educational opportunities, meaningful employment, leisure activities and wellness, family and community social supports, parenting education, spiritual engagement, and any other individualized resources the person needs.

Peer Support — a person with similar demographic.

Community providers will be paid a base rate according to the level of care that is defined by participant needs. There are three levels of care, each level has guidelines for Care Coordinators to follow. The purpose of levels is to provide person-centered services that offer support by adjusting the level of services according to goals and needs. This allows participants to maintain long-term connections with providers of their choice.

All levels of care must include care coordination and recovery services, to include peer support for program participants. Each participant enters the program at a Level 3, which could have a reimbursement rate of $400 per individual, monthly, for providing that level of care. Persons receiving care at level 2 could be reimbursed at a rate of $200 per individual, monthly. Those who are at level 1 care could be reimbursed at a rate of $100, per individual, monthly. In addition to this individual rate, $80 will be issued in the form of performance-based rate enhancement, for all levels of care per individual, monthly. This rate enhancement will be issued when an individual meets three of the four defined outcome measures.

Participants will be working on making progress in the areas of housing, employment, recovery and involvement with law enforcement. A provider is not limited to working on only these areas with a participant, a participant should be connected to any service or resource to meet their unique needs and goals.

Care coordinators and peer support specialists are required to receive training prior to providing services to participants. The training is provided by the Behavioral Health Division. For training schedules and updates please view Upcoming Trainings or email for more information. It is also required that providers attend provider meetings. Providers are also connected to ongoing resources for training and development of program staff.

A full-time care coordinator can serve roughly 20-25 participants; however, this may vary depending on the level of service of the participants assigned to that individual.

Providers are expected to make an appointment with participants within three business days of receiving the referral. The initial appointment should include a collaborative process of identifying the participant’s needs and identifying client-driven goals. This information will then be used to develop the person-centered care plan, which must be completed within ten days of the referral. After that, each participant must have the opportunity for in-person contact with either their care coordinator or peer support specialist at least one time per week. This could change depending upon the level of care needed to be determined individually by each participant. A provider should reference the Community Connect provider guidance for specific information on what is required.

Providers can contact the BHD Program Coordinator and/or the BHD Case Lead for questions or concerns, including training and technical assistance.




Referral partners include but are not limited to, human service zones, private behavioral health providers, human service centers, early intervention, courts, the justice system and educational providers. An individual that is interested in the services provided by Community Connect can also complete the eligibility application on their own. The application is accessible to any individual in the community, access is not restricted to any certain individuals or groups.

No. If a client is denied entry into the program they can be re-referred, at any time, if their condition deteriorates. Additionally, a client who has stopped receiving Community Connect services, for any reason, can be re-referred at any time.

Yes, the BHD Program Coordinator will determine final eligibility and if there will be any duplication of services. Community Connect will provide a unique set of services than current options across the state. Community Connect program funds can only be used for services that do not have another billable funding source.

A person who is 18 years of age or older and resides in North Dakota that must also have a Mental Health or Substance Use Disorder diagnosis impacting functionality in multiple domains including housing, employment, parenting, physical health, and/or community connections.


Discharge and Terminations


No. Community Connect could continue while a client is in jail or a residential facility, however, if a person does have to serve time in prison, they would most likely be discharged from Community Connect. Keep in mind this decision is determined by each individual circumstance.

Discharges from Community Connect need to be approved by the BHD Case Lead. There is no time limit to how long someone can participate in the program. Participants may have intense behavioral health needs and the program is designed to engage participants for long periods of time. However, if a participant has had no contact with their peer support specialist or care coordinator for 2 full calendar months, the care coordinator must request discharge from Community Connect.