Wednesday, August 23, 2023 - 03:45 pm

As children head back into the classroom and restart their routines, Parents Lead is reminding parents and caregivers of the different tools and resources it provides to help navigate the emotional responses that children and teenagers have during this exciting and stressful time.  

While learning in the classroom is vital to a child’s growth, understanding their behavioral health needs is a vital piece to their health and well-being. When a child’s mental health is untreated or unseen, it can significantly impact their ability to learn and develop.  

Transitioning back to school is stressful for children of all ages, whether its their first day of kindergarten or their first day of high school, the change can bring on the anxious feelings for everyone.  

Here are some easy ways to help ease their worries:  

Keep Talking: Talk openly with your child about their feelings and the changes they are facing. Allow them to express their thoughts and acknowledge them to ensure they feel understood. This consistency is key to ensuring your child knows you love and support them no matter what.   

Create Routines: Children need consistency, especially during a time of transition. New schools, new friends and new schedules can cause some anxiety. Be consistent by establishing a regular morning and evening schedule to include adequate sleep, eating healthy meals and allowing time to relax and enjoy outside activities with friends and family.  

Encourage Involvement: Encourage your child to make connections with different friends or activities. Allow them to find an activity that allows them to feel comfortable and express interests. This allows them to gain self-confidence by developing skills and talents.    

Stay Engaged: The support you provide in your child’s life is crucial to keeping them safe and confident. Participate in school events, support your child in their extracurricular activities or simply sit down with them while they’re doing homework. This engagement can make a big impact in their success. 

Parents Lead also provides tools and resources to professionals who work directly with children and their parents/caregivers on recognizing the signs and symptoms of a behavioral health concern, early intervention strategies, treatment and recovery services and other resources.  

Parents lead is an evidence-based prevention program with a simple mission: To support parents in promoting the behavioral health of their children.  

For more information or resources, visit