The Non-Traditional Hour Child Care Pilot is a component of the ND Child Care Initiative and part of HHS’ ongoing effort to support the availability of child care. HHS recognizes that traditional child care hours of 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. do not meet the needs of all working parents. North Dakota has many industries and employers with non-traditional operating hours. Non-traditional hour child care can support working parents when and where they need it.
Funding Available to Support Solutions
HHS desires to support one or more non-traditional hour child care solutions through this pilot effort. Applicants can initially request up to $500,000 for their implementation and may be eligible for additional funds upon verification of success, not to exceed a maximum award of $1 million. Funds can be used for operating expenses, supplies and equipment, or capital improvements.
To be considered an applicant will need to:
- Increase the capacity of non-traditional hour child care in an HHS-licensed child care program to support parents who work non-traditional hours
- Positively demonstrate meeting the needs of at least one type of non-traditional hour work schedule (various schedule options are detailed on the application form)
- Demonstrate connections with employer or community groups indicating working parent interest in non-traditional hour child care
- Identify partnerships and/or collaborations to support this effort
- Be ready and able to start delivery of care within three months of application
- Describe how the model you are developing can be financially viable when grant funds expire
- Gather letters of support from potential business partners, working parents or community groups you intend to serve, along with all participating child care providers if the applicant is not the licensed provider.
Pilot Expectations
Awardees will communicate frequently with HHS and participate in data collection to capture roadblocks and successes during the pilot.
To be considered, complete the application and return it along with any required documentation to