
It is important that health care professionals are mindful of foodborne pathogens and unpasteurized milk products when diagnosing diarrheal diseases. A number of diseases associated with unpasteurized milk are mandatory reportable conditions. Foodborne outbreaks are also mandated to be reported. Providers that suspect gastrointestinal illness clusters associated with raw milk should contact the Public Health Division at 701-328-2378.

Hospital and private laboritories should send required patient's isolate or clincial samples to the Laboratory Services Division at 2635 E. Main Ave. P.O Box 5520 in Bismarck, North Dakota. It is critical that laboratories send isolates or specimens of reportable diseases to the state lab so that tests, such as culturing and Whole Genome Sequencing, can be conducted to identify outbreaks. For more information on the Laboratory Services Division, click here.